Our Team

Surfer wave illustration
Adaptive surfer wave illustration
St Ouen Sunset Graphics
Cloud moving left
Cloud graphic
Cloud graphic
graphic of flying birds
Sun graphic








Sand graphic
Icon graphic of person pushing person in wheelchair


Our creatives are made up of photographers, videographers, animators and ultimately story tellers, all of whom understand the importance of our cause. These individuals donate their time and talents by capturing life-changing memories for our Athletes and their families to treasure forever. Their passion also helps us to drive support, recognition and action in supporting Healing Waves.


Healing Waves is always on the lookout for potential ambassadors – from actors to sports professionals and politicians. If you would like to become an ambassador or can put us in touch with someone who might be interested, please reach out to us

Green sandy wave graphic

Our Partners

We believe in the power of organic collaboration and our partners are worthy individuals who donate their time, talents and services to Healing Waves. This support helps to offset our running costs and expand our offerings each year. Do you or your team have skills that could help us? Would you like to become a partner of Healing Waves? If so, please get in touch!

“I am absolutely delighted to have been working in partnership with Healing Waves since 2022. It is with great pride that I am able to offer complementary 1-2-1 swimming lessons for up to two Athletes each term. These sessions are for those who require more confidence with their swimming  and can take to the waves with the wonderful Healing Waves team.

Working with the Athletes from Healing Waves is so special to me, as they lighten my day and make my work so much more rewarding. Each Athlete demonstrates to me that there is no such word as can’t but only I can!”

Nicky Holgate-Smith
Swim instructor - Enjoy2Swim

General Enquiry

Please fill out the form below and a member of our team will get back to you.